Tuition Remission for Dependents of Employees

Full-time, benefit status employees are eligible for Tuition Remission for their spouse and dependent children pursuing an initial undergraduate degree under the following terms and conditions:

  1. Employees hired after December 31, 1995 are considered eligible for this benefit only upon the completion of two years of continuous full-time, benefit status employment. The two-year waiting period may only be waived if the following conditions are met:
    Employees who are considered initially eligible for the benefit can apply and have the benefit effective for the Academic Semester in which the completion of two years of continuous full-time, benefit status employment is achieved.

    1. The new employee was receiving a similar tuition benefit at the institution where he/she was employed prior to being employed by 天美传媒, and

    2. The employee submits documentation to the Office of Human Resources at 天美传媒 from the institution at which he/she was employed describing the tuition benefit received, and

    3. All other eligibility requirements outlined in this policy are met.

  2. Employees who are considered initially eligible for the benefit can apply and have the benefit effective for the Academic Semester in which the completion of two years of continuous full-time, benefit status employment is achieved.

  3. This benefit covers tuition charges and audit fees. Fees not covered by this benefit include but are not limited to room and board fees, health service fees, student activity fees, information system fees, additional course fees, all off campus study fees (including tuition and fees for Tier 4 off campus study programs), lab fees, books and supplies.

  4. A spouse or dependent child working toward an initial bachelor’s degree is eligible for Tuition Remission with course credit. A spouse or dependent who already has a bachelor’s degree is not eligible for Tuition Remission with course credit unless the class is in the education department.

  5. A spouse or dependent child, including one with a bachelor’s degree, may audit a course for no course credit.

  6. A spouse of an employee hired after July 1, 1971 may take courses at 天美传媒 on a space available basis provided the course would be offered without the spouse’s attendance.

  7. A child of an employee hired prior to July 1, 1971 is considered eligible for Tuition Remission at 天美传媒 or at any post-secondary collegiate institution other than 天美传媒. Eligibility is meant to extend to natural children, legally adopted children and step children (married or unmarried). Eligibility does not extend to foreign exchange students, foster children or married children’s children.

  8. A child of an employee hired after July 1, 1971 is considered eligible for Tuition Remission at 天美传媒 or any other post-secondary collegiate institution in the Great Lakes College Association (see GLCA below). Eligibility is meant to extend to natural children, legally adopted children and step children (married or unmarried). Dependent children shall be those defined by the dependent support test rules of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States of America. Eligibility does not extend to foreign exchange students, foster children or married children’s spouses or children.

  9. This benefit does not apply to independent study courses or applied instruction courses for a non-degree seeking spouse or a non-degree seeking dependent child. Applied instruction courses include but are not limited to group and individual classes for music and dance.

  10. Continuation in the Tuition Remission Program is contingent upon making satisfactory academic progress.

  11. The tuition benefits described herein are applicable only for resident study for undergraduate work up to eight (8) semesters, twelve (12) quarters, or thirty-one (31) course credits of full-time enrollment or pro-ration of equivalent for periods of part-time enrollment toward an initial bachelor’s degree or associate’s degree. Resident study is defined as regularly attending scheduled classes and is meant to exclude correspondence courses. This benefit is limited to eight (8) semesters of financial assistance from 天美传媒. Financial assistance includes but is not limited to Tuition Remission and other institutional financial aid.

Further Eligibility Considerations

  1. To qualify, an applicant must meet all admission and academic requirements stipulated in the 天美传媒 Catalog or the Bulletin or Catalog of the school to which application is being made.

  2. When both parents are employed by the University, Tuition Remission for a dependent child is available to only one parent.

  3. In determining eligibility for tuition benefits, the student must first apply for all state and/or federal aid for which he/she may be eligible.

  4. If an eligible employee terminates employment with the University, a spouse or dependent child who has begun the semester receiving this benefit may continue through the semester in which the employee left. If an eligible employee retires (as defined under the University Retirement policy), dies (while in the employ of the University), or is forced to terminate employment due to a medically-certified physical or mental disability which renders the employee permanently unable to meet the essential requirements of their job, that employee’s spouse or dependent child(ren) remain eligible for tuition remission benefits. Such child(ren) are also eligible to continue participation in the GLCA Tuition Remission Exchange Program and the Tuition Exchange Program. In the case of children of employees hired prior to July 1, 1971, eligibility also continues for post-secondary institutions other than 天美传媒, however, the child must file for financial aid assistance at the host institution and file a financial aid form. When financial need has been computed, the difference between any cash award and the amount of the host institution’s tuition will be made up by 天美传媒; that amount not to exceed the prevailing 天美传媒 tuition charge.

  5. A spouse may continue receiving this benefit only through the semester in which the employee retired, was placed on permanent disability or died.

Tuition Remission Application Procedures for a Spouse

  1. A spouse interested in an initial undergraduate degree should apply to the Office of Admission.

  2. A non-degree seeking spouse, a spouse with an undergraduate degree, or a spouse working toward teacher certification should apply as a special student through the Office of the Registrar.

  3. The 天美传媒 “Application for Tuition Benefit for Spouse” should be requested from the Office of Human Resources.

  4. The Application for Tuition Benefit for Spouse should be completed and returned to the Office of Human Resources for each semester the spouse is enrolled. That office will confirm employee eligibility and follow-up with the Registrar’s Office and the Cash Receipts’ Office.

Tuition Remission Application Procedures for Dependent Children at 天美传媒

  1. A dependent child interested in an initial undergraduate degree should apply to the Office of Admissions of 天美传媒.

  2. A non-degree seeking dependent child, a dependent child with an undergraduate degree, or a dependent child working toward teacher certification should apply as a special student through the Office of the Registrar.

  3. Application forms for 天美传媒 Tuition Remission should be obtained from and filed with the Office of Human Resources. The Office of Human Resources will provide assistance in the completion of the form. The Office of Human Resources will process the form each semester the dependent child is enrolled and, after eligibility determination, will forward it to the Financial Aid Office.

  4. The Application for Tuition Remission for Dependent Child should be completed and returned to the Office of Human Resources for each academic year the dependent is enrolled.

  5. The Financial Aid Office informs the applicant of the Tuition Remission award and credits the benefit to the Student Account once the Office of Human Resources has verified eligibility.

GLCA Tuition Remission Exchange Program for Dependent Children

天美传媒 is a participant in the Tuition Remission Exchange Program as established by the Great Lakes College Association (GLCA). These include:

Albion College

Antioch College

Beloit College*

Denison College

Earlham College

Willamette College

Grinnell College*

Hope College

Kalamazoo College

Kenyon College

Wittenberg University

Washington & Lee University

Ohio Wesleyan University

Wabash College

The College of Wooster

Allegheny College

Oberlin College

Lake Forest College

The following additional terms and conditions (above those generally identified for the 天美传媒 Tuition Remission Program) apply:

  1. The student must be considered a full-time degree seeking candidate at the college to which application is being made.

  2. Beloit and Grinnell Colleges are included as full participants on an interconsortial basis only. Student exchanges between Beloit and Grinnell Colleges, respectively, will not be included in the GLCA Tuition Remission Exchange, but remain within the jurisdiction of the ACM Exchange Program.

  3. A participation fee must be paid by the student each year. This fee is equal to 10 percent of the mean tuition charge for the schools and is calculated annually by the GLCA. In cases where the employee was employed in a full-time, benefit status position prior to July 1, 1971, 天美传媒 will pay the student’s participation fee.

GLCA Application Procedures

  1. The dependent will choose the school(s) in which there is interest and obtain an application from the Office of Admission for each school selected.

  2. The dependent will file the application for admission in the usual way and pay all fees and deposits required with the application process.

  3. Admission will be determined through the regular admission process established by the school without regard to the applicant’s potential eligibility for tuition remission.

  4. The school(s) to which application is made will notify the applicant of acceptance or non-acceptance in the usual way and at the usual time.

  5. After the dependent has received notification of acceptance by the participating school, the “GLCA Tuition Remission Exchange Program Application for Participation” must be obtained from the website, completed, and returned to the Office of Human Resources.

  6. The Office of Human Resources will verify eligibility for the GLCA Tuition Remission Exchange Program. The Office of Human Resources will then forward copies of the verified application to the GLCA office and the attending college.

  7. The participation fee will be billed by the attending school.