Reporting Procedure

Any employee, student or guest who believes that he/she either has witnessed or been subjected to behavior that violates this policy is encouraged to and has a responsibility to immediately report the suspected policy violation. The University cannot investigate and take appropriate action if the behavior is not reported. The method of reporting suspected policy violations is as follows:

Staff members and guests should immediately report suspected policy violations to the Office of Human Resources. The phone number for the Director of Human Resources is (765) 658-4181. If the Director of Human Resources is unavailable or the staff member or guest is uncomfortable reporting the suspected policy violation to the Director of Human Resources, he or she may report the suspected violation directly to the Vice President for Finance and Administration at (765) 658-4161.

Faculty members should immediately report suspected policy violations to Academic Affairs. The phone number for the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty is (765) 658-4359. If the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty is unavailable or the faculty member is uncomfortable reporting the suspected policy violation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty, he or she may report the suspected violation directly to the Director of Human Resources at (765) 658-4181.

Students should immediately report suspected policy violations to the Office of Student Life. The phone number for the Dean of Students is (765) 658-4199. If the Dean of Students is unavailable or the student is uncomfortable reporting the suspected policy violation to the Dean of Students, he or she may report the suspected violation directly to the Director of Human Resources at (765) 658-4181.

Complaints of inappropriate behavior by a Vice President of the University should be directed to the President of the University and/or the Director of Human Resources.

Supervisors and department chairs who receive complaints or who observe inappropriate behavior must immediately inform the appropriate office listed above. Failure to report potential violations may result in appropriate discipline, up to and including termination.