HISP 231

Topics of the Spanish-Speaking World I

Further development of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills through focused topics of the Spanish-speaking world, such as identity and memory, borders and immigration, social movements and revolution, and multilingualism. While students in this course develop these multiple proficiencies, it primarily utilizes formats and approaches to language instruction that especially prepare students for HISP 330. It features multiple presentation assignments and grammatical instruction in the service of aural comprehension and oral proficiencies. Prerequisite: HISP 132 or HISP 140 or qualifying score on the placement test. Students may take this course prior to or after HISP 232.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
Language HISP 132 or HISP 140 or qualifying score on the placement test 1 course

Fall Semester information

Soledad Forcadell

231A: Topics/Span-Speaking World I

Farah Ali

231B: Topics/Span-Speaking World I

Caitlin McClelland Methvin

231C: Topics/Span-Speaking World I

Spring Semester information

Soledad Forcadell

231A: Topics/Span-Speaking World I